Penn-Jersey News

Winter 2022

From the Desk of the Regional Director:

As I am writing this note, the outside temperature has been plummeting and snow is looming in the forecast.  Although our Ferrari related activities seem slow, our Penn-Jersey Board activities are in high gear.  New members have joined our Board and some positions have changed and we are energized with the thoughts of a new season.  We are planning major events, securing sponsors and improving our regional communications.  Now for some details…

As you may have heard, I transitioned from Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter President to Regional Director.  I asked Gary if he would continue on the Board and I’m pleased to see he has been elected to the Secretary position.  Thank you, Gary, for your years of service to the region and continued support.  Tim McNair has been elected as the Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter President and Marc Buzzelli will be taking over for Frank Ziccarelli as the Western Pennsylvania Chapter President – thank you Frank for your years of service!   Walt Sliwa continues as New Jersey Chapter President.

Phil Tegtmeier has decided to step down as Chief Judge and has turned over the responsibility to Tim McNair.  We thank Phil for his commitment as Chief Judge, and appreciate the knowledge and leadership he has provided us throughout the years.  And Phil will continue to support the Club as Chief Judge Emeritus!  Tim has accepted this role and brings his tremendous judging experience and concours expertise to our region.  Furthermore, Tim has recently been elected to the board of IAC/PFA while at Cavallino – Congratulations Tim!

We are also pleased to announce that Richard Scheller has agreed to take on the role of Membership Chair.  He has been actively developing new events, sponsorships and ideas in the Pocono area and he is a great fit for this position. 

Our Penn-Jersey Region is the only FCA region that features two concours in a given year!  This takes a lot of planning and coordination by volunteers months ahead of the event.  This year we will have the Pennsylvania Concorso Ferrari at the Normandy Farm Hotel on Sunday, April 24th.  This year marks our 60th Anniversary of the Ferrari Club of America and we plan to celebrate with a bash at this year’s Concorso.  We had 99 beautiful Ferraris on the show field and well over 200 people attending the event last year.  The registration website is open with details of this year’s event.

Finally, I am excited to share our Penn-Jersey Regional website will be launched in the next couple of months.  We have been working with Media Proper to develop a dynamic website that will provide a tremendous improvement in how our members are informed of concours, rallies, news and Ferrari events in our region.  Stay tuned for launch news!!
