Penn-Jersey News

Penn-Jersey Region Website Launch

From the Desk of Regional Director:

Welcome to our Penn-Jersey Website!  Creating this website has been a priority for me since becoming the Regional Director earlier this year.  I am happy to say the website is launched and we will be fine tuning the site over the next couple of months.  This will be the best and most current source of information pertaining to our Penn-Jersey Region.

The purpose of of this website will be to keep you connected and informed of Concours, Rallies, News and Ferrari events throughout our region.  This will also provide a resource for information regarding Concours Preparations, car detailing and how to register for various events.  Along with the Constant Contact email, we will be able to provide you with all the necessary information to view upcoming events in an efficient manner.  

You may even see a picture of your Ferrari at one of our events highlighted on the website!

Next Major Events:

It seems like a long time since we have gotten together at our Pennsylvania Concorso Ferrari event in April.  For those who attended, thank you for coming out and enjoying a great day together.  We had 98 wonderful Ferraris on the show field and about 230 people attending the event.  We are already planning next year’s event – we hope to see you next Spring!

For those who could not attend, we have the Garden State Ferrari Fall Festival coming up on September 18th.  We are lucky to have a Region that shares two FCA sanctioned concours in the same year!  

Walt Sliwa, New Jersey Chapter President, and Dave North are coordinating all the activities for this event.  The venue will be at the Park Avenue Club, where we have had many Concours in the past!  We are looking forward to getting back to this great venue.

The Garden State Ferrari Fall Festival registration website is open for you to reserve your tickets and register your Ferrari:

I would also like to remind you of the Mt. Airy Casino Rally on August 21st.  Rich Scheller will be organizing a wonderful event, as usual!  You can register for this rally at Third Annual Mt. Airy Casino Rally

Stay tuned and connected to find out about many more great events our Region has to offer!

Cheers, Bob