Penn-Jersey News

Our Garden State Ferrari Fall Festival was held on Sunday, September 18th! Our venue this year was at the Park Avenue Club. We had a wonderful display of Ferraris on the showfield. Our Sponsors and Vendors came out to celebrate in our event as well. The weather was sunny and pleasant!!
The day began with FCA Members and guests arriving to prep their Ferraris. Our volunteer Judges did a fantastic job of reviewing the vehicles to determine our Class awards. Once all the tallies have been taken we convened to a fantastic Awards Banquet Luncheon.
Walt Sliwa, our New Jersey Chapter President, began the awards portion of the event and Park Avenue Club prepared a great luncheon in their Grand Ballroom. A fun time was had by all!
We wish to thank Walt Sliwa and all the Concorso volunteers and Judges for their help and support in making this a fantastic event for our FCA Members!

Please find more Concorso Event photos in our ‘Gallery Section’ of our website!

Our Major Sponsor: Ferrari of Central New Jersey displayed some wonderful Ferraris to share at our Concorso!!